Civic Engagement

Vitrian is actively engaged with public-private partnerships throughout the U.S., with relevant ongoing case studies in complex public-private initiatives that support the growth of the biomanufacturing sector. Once committed to an ecosystem, Vitrian invests in, and participates in, all phases of the ecosystem, including company engagement, clinical/research anchor partnerships, economic development and community engagement/training.

Civic Engagement

  • Workforce Development
  • Public & 3rd Party Incentives



  • Leading a multi-jurisdictional – initiative for the creation of a 150k SF biomanufacturing training center in Silver Spring, MD
  • Focused on entry level training and educational engagement at the high school and middle school level
  • Secured funding from Montgomery County for feasibility study
  • Cross-collaboration with private industry, educational institutions and non-profits, as well as local and state government

  • Supporting the I-20 EAAST (Equitable Access to Advanced and Sustainable Therapies) grant proposal team led by Atlanta and covering Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina
  • Vitrian served as a grant peer reviewer and site visit prep team member supporting the following areas: Workforce Development, Manufacturing, and Industry Engagement

  • Developing partnership with Texas Medical Center (TMC) and Learning Undefeated for a late middle school to high school curriculum supplement and “science on display” center focused on biomanufacturing

  • Advising Lone Star College for biomanufacturing non-credit certificate programs
  • Initial stakeholder with the BioWell, an urban accelerator and maker hubs for biomanufacturing in conjunction with venture capital and corporate sponsors


For inquiries or more information, contact us at 240.396.1414
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